Brand Guidelines

Everything you need to reference the Stackly brand.

We're take great pride in Stackly, we've poured a lot of love and passion into the company and curated a brand image that reflects our ideals. With that being said, we would greatly appreciate of other companies and individuals could respect the Stackly brand by following the various guidelines we've curated below.


Please refer to our company as "Stackly" with a capital "S", refrain from using abbreviations, nicknames, or variations of the name. Always use the full, official names of our products and services when discussing them and refrain from creating new names or abbreviations that might confuse readers or misrepresent our offerings.


Please use only the Stackly wordmark provided below or in our press kit, avoid using outdated versions, unauthorized edits, or creating your own renditions. When displaying our wordmark, be mindful of the spacing and sizing, ensuring that the wordmark has sufficient breathing room and is easily legible in the context it is being used.

Dark version of the Stackly wordmark.
Light version of the Stackly wordmark.

When referring to Stackly in areas with limited real estate, the logo is always a better option than the wordmark. To maintain the logo's visual impact, always provide sufficient clear space around it. This space should be free of any text, images, or other elements that could distract from the logo. Our press kit includes variations for different applications (e.g., dark or light backgrounds), please choose the appropriate version based on the context in which it will be used.

Dark version of the Stackly logo.
Light version of the Stackly logo.
White version of the Stackly logo.

Our brand identity is closely associated with our distinct color palette. When representing the Stackly brand, please adhere to using the colours below. Avoid using unauthorized color combinations or altering the colors in any way.


RGB (212, 40, 122)


RGB (14, 13, 63)


RGB (230, 230, 245)